Pareto Efficient Multi-Objective Regression Test Suite Prioritisation

TitlePareto Efficient Multi-Objective Regression Test Suite Prioritisation
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsEpitropakis, MG, Yoo, S, Harman, M, Burke, EK
Date Published04/2014
InstitutionDepartment of Computer Science, University College London
CityGower Street, London
Report NumberRN/14/01

Test suite prioritisation seeks a test case ordering that maximises the likelihood of early fault revelation. Previous prioritisation techniques have tended to be single objective, for which the additional greedy algorithm is the current state-of-the-art. We study multi objective test suite prioritisation, evaluating it on multiple versions of five widely-used benchmark programs and a much larger real world system of over 1MLoC. Our multi objective algorithms find faults significantly faster and with large effect size for 20 of the 22 versions. We also introduce a non-lossy coverage compact algorithm that dramatically scales the performance of all algorithms studied by between 2 and 4 orders of magnitude, making prioritisation practical for even very demanding problems.

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