Density Based Projection Pursuit Clustering

TitleDensity Based Projection Pursuit Clustering
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsTasoulis, SK, Epitropakis, MG, Plagianakos, VP, Tasoulis, DK
Conference NameIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2012. CEC 2012. (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence)
Date PublishedJune
Conference LocationBrisbane, Australia

Clustering of high dimensional data is a very important task in Data Mining. In dealing with such data, we typically need to use methods like Principal Component Analysis and Projection Pursuit, to find interesting lower dimensional directions to project the data and hence reduce their dimensionality in a manageable size. In this work, we propose a new criterion of direction interestingness, which incorporates information from the density of the projected data. Subsequently, we utilize the Differential Evolution algorithm to perform optimization over the space of the projections and hence construct a new hierarchical clustering algorithmic scheme. The new algorithm shows promising performance over a series of real and simulated data.

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